Senin, 07 Mei 2018

laporan tugas 8 mei 2018

asalamualaikum wr.wb

name            : novriandi
class             ; 11 TKJ 3
departement ; tkj

report on the task of making network design in cisco packet tracer

process when entering ip into computer

ping to ip

development process and form of network building

ping to ip

development process and form of network building

process when entering ip into computer

ping to ip

check the connection between computers

ping to ip

the conclusion of each task above is at the time of selecting the device selection is appropriate with the device such as the selection of pc, wired switch.setelah rangkailah or wake up networknya.setelah it ip input on each pc .. to ensure ip is connected we have to ping everytime ip .. and after that we do sending messages from pc 1 to other pc.
That is all and thank you

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