Kamis, 07 Juni 2018

laporan tugas pkl tentang instal so linux ubuntu, linux kali, dan windows 10

tugas  dan instalasi sistem operasi linuk ubuntu, lnux kali dan windows 10

installation sistem operasi ubuntu 11.04

  • first we fill in the name and set the operating system and version

  • set its memory then click next

  • click next

  • click next

  • and the first step is complete

  • then add cd ubuntu operating system

  • network replaced so host only adapter

  • then click start

  • select the language and click install ubuntu

  • click forward

  • then click install now

  • choose where you are

  • select the keyboard and click forward

  • click forward

  • then enter your name and fill in the password and click forward

  • wait for installation loading process

  • click restart now

  • input password

  • and finally the installation process is complete

instalasi linux kali

first we choose so want to install

select so linux and ubuntu versio

then we start installing

wait for loading

we click go back

then we input ip address

we click continue

click continue again

the contents of the domain

fill in the password we want

click the topmost

click the topmost and click continue

we click continue

click the topmost and click continue

we click continue

select yes and click continue

wait the loading

on my laptop an error occurred and failed while installing the system. and i do not know how to solve it.and I also tried to try to swap other operating systems, but the result is the same

instalasi so windows 10

first we choose so microsoft and and other versions of linux

click finish

add so windows 10 nya

at the time of installation on my laptop appear like this, the problem of the installation process so can not in continue. and I also try so others, but the same result

Senin, 04 Juni 2018

laporaan tugas pkl tentang kasus pada uu ite 4 juni 2018

  1. students smkn 1 rengat enter academic system to change the value of tkj subjects from 60 to 95 .. violate what article? and what sanctions are given? 


then subject to article 32 paragraph 1 which reads "Everyone intentionally and without right or illegally in any way alters, adds, subtracts, transmits, destroys, removes, transfers, conceals any Electronic or Electronic Information and / or Electronic Documents belonging to Others or the public."..and subject to sanction Article 46 paragraph 1 which reads "Everyone who fulfills the element as referred to in Article 32 paragraph (1) shall be punished with imprisonment of maximum 8 (eight) years and / or a fine of not more than Rp2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiah).

2.  students smkn 1 rengat enter academic system to change the value of tkj subjects from 60 to 95 in any way?

then in connection with article 30, paragraph 3, which reads "Everyone intentionally and without right or unlawfully access the Computer and / or Electronic System in any way by violating, breaching, surpassing, or breaking the security system."and subject to sanction of article 46, paragraph 3, which reads "Everyone who fulfills the element as referred to in Article 30 paragraph (3) shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 8 (eight) years and / or a fine of not more than Rp800.000.000,00 (eight hundred million rupiah)."

3. electronic document "exam questions" changed by students then distributed then what will be affected by article? and what sanctions

Article 32 paragraph 3 which reads "Against the act as referred to in paragraph (1) which resulted in the opening of Electronic Information and / or Electronic Documents with confidential nature becomes publicly accessible with unequal data integrity" and subject to sanction article 48 paragraph 3 Anyone fulfilling the element as referred to in Article 32 paragraph (3) shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding 10 (ten) years and / or a maximum fine of Rp5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah).

 1. Kinds of Computer Network Topology 1. Ring Topology In the ring topology of each computer connected to another computer and so on u...