Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

laporan pkl tentang membuat kartu nama dan undangan pernikahan 30 mei 2018

assalamualaikum wr wb

this time I will make a report about making business card design and wedding invitation card invitation

 thank you

Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

laporan pkl tentang buat banner jumat 25 mei 2018

assalamualaikum wr wb

banner hari lahir pancasila ukuran 800 x 800 pixel

banner tentang hari pancasila ukuran 930x930 pixel

Rabu, 23 Mei 2018

laporan kegiatan pkl kamis 24 mei 2018 tentang analisa laptop

asalamualaikum wr wb

at this time i will do analysis on laptop. bran laptop is hp.the screen is blank or black colored

the first possibility that cause the laptop does not live because his ram does not exist. so we must input ram let live.if the ram is damaged, we can try it clean the ram first using the eraser, clean it with one way scrubbed

then check the state of the laptop battery is still working or not. Batik battery leak we can turn on the laptop while in the cas

the possibility of the last laptop problem on hardisk, the possibility of hardisk is not working or error, it can affect the laptop when in lifekan.hardisk is one of the most important component that must be considered

maybe that's a report that I can give you about my laptop analysis. more and less I apologize ...... asalamualaikum

Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

multimedia dan animation laporan pkl 15 mei 2018


Multimedia is the use of computers to present and combine text, sound, images, animation, audio and video with tools and links so users can navigate, interact, work and communicate. Multimedia is often used in the world of informatics. Apart from the world of informatics, multimedia is also adopted by the gaming world, and also to create websites.

Multimedia is also used in the world of education and business. In the world of education, multimedia is used as a medium of instruction, either in the classroom or individually or self-taught. In the business world, multimedia is used as a media company profile, product profile, even as a media kiosk of information and training in e-learning system.

There are 5 essential multimedia elements that are fundamental to:

1. Text
2. Graphic
3. Audio
4. Video
5. Animation

Multimedia technology is increasingly recognized for its important role in broadcasting, communications, entertainment and the latest is the use of multimedia in information technology in education.

Multimedia can be categorized into 2 kinds, namely mulitimedia linear and interactive multimedia. Linear multimedia is a multimedia that is not equipped with any controller that can be operated by the user. This multimedia runs sequentially (sequentially / straight), for example: TV and movies. While interactive multimedia is a multimedia equipped with a controller (or aids such as computers, mouse, keyboard and others) that can be operated by the user, so users can choose what is desired for the next process. Examples such as game applications. Interactive multimedia combines and synergizes all media consisting of text, graphics, audio, and interactivity (design).


Animation is a moving image, derived from a collection of objects that have been arranged in such a way and move to follow a predetermined groove every time. In this case the meaning of "object" can be in the form of writing, animal pictures, images of plants, human images, and others.

Animation is a graphics which displays the movements in rapid succession so that the object looks alive. With proper planning and mature then the flow of animation movement will be interesting to watch. If in the world of multimedia animation is a way to use the program on the computer to generate the motion of an object on the screen. While the person who makes the animation known as the animator.

1. Types Based on the Character Form it Makes

a. Stop Motion Animation / Claymation

Also known as claymation, this technique of animation was invented by Blakton around 1906. Using clay (clay) as its object. Clay animation techniques are often used in producing a visual effect for films in the 1950-1960s. One example of films that use clay techniques such as in the movie Chicken Run, and Shaun the sheep. Of course in use is not ordinary clay, but generally use palasticin is a material that is flexible / elastic.

b. 2 Dimension / 2D Animation

Animation of this type is often called also with cartoons. Cartoon / Cartoon can be interpreted as a funny picture, for example can be seen in cartoons, a lot of funny pictures that appear and generally very entertaining. One example of a cartoon film such as Tom & Jerry.

c. 3 Dimensional / 3D Animation

The development of technology, especially computer technology, it appears 3 Dimensional animation. 3D animation is the result of the development of 2D animation. In 3D animation the object will look more alive as well as real. There are so many current movies that use 3D animation and CGI (Computer Generated Imagery).

d. Japanese animation

Also called Anime, currently many anime movies are liked especially by teenagers. Lots of examples of such movies such as Naruto, One Piece, Slam Dunk, Dragon Ball, and others. 

Minggu, 13 Mei 2018

laporan tugas pkl 14 mei 2018

tugas intaslasi virtual box dan instalasi sistem operasi linuk

installation virtual box

  • first we select the application you want to install

  • then press the next button

  • press the next button again

  • press the next button again

  • click yes

  • then install

  • wait until the installation is complete

  • installation is complete

installation sistem operasi ubuntu 11.04

  • first we fill in the name and set the operating system and version

  • set its memory then click next

  • click next

  • click next

  • and the first step is complete

  • then add cd ubuntu operating system

  • network replaced so host only adapter

  • then click start

  • select the language and click install ubuntu

  • click forward

  • then click install now

  • choose where you are

  • select the keyboard and click forward

  • click forward

  • then enter your name and fill in the password and click forward

  • wait for installation loading process

  • click restart now

  • input password

  • and finally the installation process is complete

Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

menguji kinerja komputer 11 mei 2018

power on self test
POST (Power on Self-Test) is a test performed by the PC to check the functions of PC support components whether working properly. POST is done by PC at boot time, if PC experience a problem it will be able to detect symptoms kesalahannnya through POST, PC will give message / error warning in the form of sound generated through speaker or visual appearance in monitor. 

1) POST procedure (Power on Self-Test)

POST is done shortly after the computer starts and starts booting, this process is done by BIOS. The sequence of POST procedures is as follows:

a) The Power Supply test is marked with a live power lamp and a rotating power supply cooling fan.

b) Automatically reset to CPU work by a good power signal generated by the power supply if it is in good condition at the time it is turned on, then the CPU starts executing the initial instruction on the BIOS ROM and so on.

c) Checking the BIOS and its contents. The BIOS should be legible. The initial ROM BIOS instruction is jump (jump) to the POST program address.

d) Checking against CMOS, CMOS should work properly. The POST program begins with reading setup data (initial hardware settings) in CMOS RAM setup, as reference data for checking.

e) Conducting CPU, timer, direct access memory control, memory bus and memory module.

f) A 16 KB memory must be available and readable / written for BIOS ROM purposes and store POST code.
Users can immediately find out the problem by reading the warning text. For example:

Keyboard error: for problems with the keyboard

CMOS error: cmos battery error or there is a problem with peripheral settings

HDD not Install: hard drive not installed
first wait for the process when boting

and wait for the boot process

wait while the computer livelihood process

and live computer

after that we check the computer lights

then we check the computer specifications

after that type dxdiag

and we can see the results of computer diagnosis

 1. Kinds of Computer Network Topology 1. Ring Topology In the ring topology of each computer connected to another computer and so on u...